Empower a woman

Day Retreat and Prayer Room

And Jesus said …. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31b

This is the invitation from Jesus, will you respond?

Here at Empower A Woman ministries, we have created a sacred space for you, to take a day and dedicate it to rejuvenating your spiritual life.

As Christian women, life can get so busy and complicated, and we may not often have the time and space to pause and rest with prayer and the word. Yet, this is extremely vital for our spiritual growth and our ability to effective navigate life and all it’s challenges. There is nothing the devil likes more than a tired Christian.

A day retreat is a wonderful opportunity to set aside time to seek God. To find rest for our mind, soul and bodies. A time to study the Word, speak to Jesus, and get some clarity and direction for your next steps.

The Empower A Woman Prayer Room is a perfect place to spend quality time, away from everything else and just focus on giving yourself to the ministry of prayer and the word.

The room is perfect for a solo retreat, or it can accommodate up to two people.

Prayer Ministry (if required) is available on the day of your retreat with Reverend Amanda Bedzrah or one of the team.


We understand that not everyone can take a few days away to go for a much-needed retreat, so we have created a space for you where you can spend a day – seven blessed hours to rest in Jesus.

We have also made it accessible by creating this space right in the heart of Maidstone Town Centre, a short 5-minute walk from the train station.


Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm

Saturday – By exception only. Please contact the office to request: empowerawoman @ gmail.com


To book yourself into the day retreat, please click this link for available date options.

For a sponsored place please email – empowerawoman @ gmail.com


We kindly ask for a donation of £49.99 for the day.

We also offer a number of sponsored places on application as we do not want cost to be a barrier for those who need it. Please email the office if you would like to apply for a sponsored place.


To make this space accessible to those who need it, we are grateful for your kind donations.

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